The birth of yet another creative outlet | Muted Muse Mag

A photograph of a laptop, coffee cup, glasses, and planner on a white desk.
pc: Mathilde Langevin

   Back in 2018, I had the desire to start this blog and that desire persisted for months. The birth of yet another creative outlet was calling my name and I decided to give it a shot. I have always had a passion for visual design and digital media. I truly enjoy creating content, and blogging has opened up yet another space for me to be creative and at the same time reach an audience.

   In the process of setting up this blog, God has without a doubt helped me every step of the way providing me with the wisdom and resources to do so. After months of research, reading loads of articles, and watching countless videos on how to  start a blog I finally created my very own lifestyle blog. You can expect content about style, beauty, and much more. 

  Blogging is very new to me and this year has been THE year where I've felt prompted to get out of my comfort zone and go after the things that I've wanted to pursue despite the outcome. At the end of it at least I can say I tried rather than "I've always wanted to." I'm not one to put myself out there; I'm a private person and I don't like attention. So, putting myself out there across all my social media including my blog is definitely going to be a challenge, but I'm willing to grow and learn both creatively and individually.

   If you made it to this last paragraph, thank you for taking the time to read my very first blog post. I encourage you to go out and do those things you've always wanted to do. Give it a shot, learn along the way, and just enjoy the process. You are more than capable of accomplishing that very thing you've been wanting to start. 
God bless love,

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