The Serum That Got Rid of my Hormonal Acne & Keeps my Skin in Check | Muted Muse Mag

      Last year, I was going through it in all kinds of ways and one of those ways happened to be acne, hormonal acne to be exact. I've never dealt with my skin in this condition and for four months I often wondered when my skin would return to its normal state (you can read about it here: What I learned About my Hormonal Acne and How Reinventing my Skincare Routine Got Rid of It). 

    In that post I talk about what caused my hormonal acne and how I built the skincare routine that got rid of it. In this post, I'm going to focus on one of the products from that skincare routine that cleared my skin. If I wouldn't have incorporated this product into my regimen, I honestly don't think my skin would have improved in the way that it did. Once this product was introduced to my skincare regimen, my hormonal acne that would not go away ended up going away once and for all. So what is this serum I speak of?

An up close picture of The Ordinary's Niacinamide 10 % + Zinc 1% Serum

     I'm talking about The Ordinary's Niacinamide 10% + Zinc 1% serum, this serum was a gamechanger for my skin. As I was reading reviews on all kinds of products and reading the description of what those products can do for the skin, I came across this incredible serum on Ulta Beauty's website. The Niacinamide + Zinc serum helps with pore congestion and sebum activity, which is what I had been dealing with when my face was breaking out. I remember feeling so lost and almost purchasing a Curology subscription but I decided not to. I went back to the basics of skincare and decided to figure this thing out. First, I started off by purchasing good quality, affordable, products that addressed my skin concerns. I told myself that if those products didn't work after trying them for a while, then it was back to researching and trying products until I find what works. Thankfully the products that I decided to purchase ended up working effectively for my skin and I spent under $30. 

    The reason I feel that those products worked so well for me was because each of them targeted my specific skin concerns. On top of that, I only purchased what I needed and I was consistent with my skincare routine until I saw results. I believe that skincare isn't that complicated and at times we make it more complicated than it is which leads to us overwhelming ourselves and our skin. I kept it simple, bought good quality, affordable, products that targeted my skin concerns because lets be honest expensive doesn't always mean effective. When you don't know what'll work it's better to go the affordable route, it's more cost effective and you get more bang for your buck versus spending a ton of money on expensive products, them not working, you being disappointed and having to spend more money to find what works. That's just my personal preference, that's what worked for me, to each their own. 

   I struggled with my skin for four months and in ONE month it cleared up, yes ONE month. I honestly believe that this serum played a huge role in that. Being patient with my skin and consistently applying this serum as directed was also KEY.


A picture of The Ordinary's Niacinamide 10 % + Zinc 1% Serum being applied

How often: 2x's a day as directed, morning and night after cleansing my skin and before moisturizing.

Where: Directly on my T-Zone, I also use it as an acne spot treatment and apply it to any breakouts I may have at the moment.

Disclaimer: This serum should not be used in the same routine as Vitamin C or on dry patches as it can cause irritation and redness.

      Even though my skin cleared up, I continued to use this serum. I love this serum, and it has become and remained an essential in my skincare routine. It balances my sebum production and decongests my pores which keeps my skin in check. 

    What skincare product is an essential in your skincare routine? I'd love to know.



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